How To Get Rid of Earwigs in Your House Naturally: 4 Top Strategies

how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally


Earwigs, or pincher bugs, are such a bother when you have them in your home; fortunately, you can get rid of earwigs in your house naturally and easily. These bugs are typically harmless; however, they are capable of causing damage to your plants and furniture. Also, they love damp areas, so you will most likely find them in your garden or other musty areas in your home.

You can target earwigs with natural solutions and prevent them from returning to your home. In this article, you will find helpful tips on how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally. Read on to discover more exciting information. 

What are Earwigs?

Earwigs exist in almost every growing region, although they prefer to live in humid climates. It might take you some time to spot one because they are fast-moving insects, nocturnal, and usually remain in hiding during the day.

Earwigs like to feast on decaying wood and plants, and they enjoy staying in dark and damp places. Usually, you will find them in woodpiles or basements.

how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally

Being the only members of the insect order Dermaptera, earwigs are ancient bugs that have been in existence for about 208 million years. Today, there are over 2,000 species worldwide, except in polar regions.

The pests earned the name “earwig” from ancient English, which translated to “ear wiggler,” because they were once thought to live in human ears. Earwigs live a bubbly life. They gather to seek out a hiding place during the day, and their nests can run into thousands. They often live together, considering that they are not territorial.

How to Identify Earwigs

Before embarking on your earwig removal journey, you need first to determine whether the insects you want to fight are earwigs or not. Here are a few ways to identify earwigs:

  • Earwigs are between 3-4 inches long. They possess a reddish-brown color, and they have appendages on their tails, similar to forceps. They also have a set of pincers around the abdomen, called cerci, which explains why they are also called “pincher bugs.”
  • Though they rarely fly, earwigs possess a set of wings, and they can run very quickly.
how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally
  • Earwigs are nocturnal by nature; therefore, they eat decaying plants and wood. However, they also attack living plants, such as flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees. They particularly love fruits, flowers, lettuce, celery, and other tender greens.
  • Female earwigs lay their eggs in concealing tunnels under the ground, diligently protecting the eggs from predators. Their hatching time spans over one week, making it challenging to control earwig populations.
  • Earwigs usually hide underneath flower pots in the daytime, and at night, they feast on flowers from the pots.

Signs of Earwig Damage

Here are some signs to look out for in your home if you suspect the presence of earwigs:

–         Jagged leaves with holes. This is one of the most common indications that earwigs have started to cause damage to your home. You will notice that the leaves of plants suddenly appear as partially eaten. There may also be the excrement of earwigs, which are small, black pellets scattered around the garden.

how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally

–         Damage will usually occur after rain, which propels earwigs to find dryness and shelter. Hence, their climb into plants.

–         The damage that earwigs cause is similar to that of snails and slugs. To identify the differences, however, look for trails of slime residue on damaged plants. If you find none, then the damage was most probably caused by earwigs.

How to Get Rid of Earwigs in Your House Naturally 

Decaying plants and moistures are some of the major attractions of earwigs, and they are more active at night. These insects are frequently spotted under plants, in cracks, flowerbeds, etc.

If you have noticed the presence of earwigs in your house and you are skeptical about chemicals and traps, we have compiled a list of natural remedies solutions for your earwig problem:

–         Oil and Soy-sauce Trap

This is one effective method to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally. Pour equal parts olive oil/vegetable oil and soy sauce into a plastic container. Next, make holes of about 0.25 inches all over the container’s lid. When earwigs perceive the mixture, they will attempt to crawl into it and drown if they are successful.

Ensure that the container is only about 1 inch full, and if you intend to put this in your garden, bury the container in the ground, leaving the lid at the ground surface.

–         Vacuum

Another remedy for earwig invasion is a vacuum cleaner. This is an efficient method for capturing numerous earwigs in one place. With a vacuum cleaner, you can suck up earwigs and even eggs that the females might have laid. Dump the vacuumed earwigs into a bowl of soapy water to kill them.

how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally

One tip to note here is to ensure that you get your vacuum cleaner ready before getting too close to the bugs to prevent them from escaping.

–         Light Traps

You can make this easy earwig trap with only a few items. Create a mixture of warm water and dish soap, 4 parts to 1, and stir until foamy. Get a bright lamp outside and place the mixture’s bucket right under the lamp. The light will attract the earwigs and they will drown in the bucket.

–         Attract Birds to your Garden

Birds are predators of bugs. Therefore, to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally, attract birds to your home to help you eliminate them. You can install a birdbath or a bird feeder in your garden to make your home appealing to them. Also, planting fruit trees and berry bushes around your garden will attract them.

How to Prevent Earwigs

–         Remove Excess Moisture: Around pipes and outdoor fittings, ensure that the area stays dry and void of dampness because earwigs thrive in wet environments.

–         Eliminate Excessive Humidity in basements: Since earwigs live and reproduce in humid areas, one way to curb this is by ensuring that the basement becomes uncomfortable for them.

–         Repair or Replace Holes in Window Screens: Earwigs can access your home through tiny holes in the window screen. Patch tears and holes with glue, or replace them to keep earwigs away.

how to get rid of earwigs in your house naturally

–         Get Rid of Decaying Plants: Decaying plants are perfect breeding spots for earwigs. To get rid of earwigs in your house naturally, remove decaying plant matter from your house and garden.

–         Plant Pest-repelling herbs: You can plant herbs such as buckwheat, cosmos, tansy, or fennel around your home to keep earwigs at bay. Be aware, however, of herbs like mint because it attracts them.


Eliminating earwigs from your home and garden does not have to be challenging. With the simple tips, you can free your home from earwigs and ensure they never return.

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