Earwigs FAQs: Are Earwigs Dangerous, Do They Pinch and How to Stop Them


Are earwigs dangerous? If you don’t know anything about this insect, this is a question you’re probably asking yourself. 

Earwigs are slender insects that infest gardens. They are small-winged, flat, brown in color with scary claws on their abdomen. 

The name “earwig” comes from old folklore that says it can crawl into the ear and lay eggs therein. It was also believed the earwig could feed on your brain if it entered through your ear.

But are they dangerous to humans? Are they poisonous? Can earwigs hurt you? Do they pinch? This article will delve deeper in a bid to answer these questions.

Are Earwigs Dangerous and Do They Harm?

are earwigs dangerous to humans

Generally, don’t cause any harm. They do not bite or sting, and they don’t carry any diseases that can be passed on to people. 

However, if you find an earwig in your home, it is best to remove the insect as soon as possible because its presence could indicate a problem with pests such as mice or rats.

They are not pleasing to the eye, but they can cause damage to your plants. Therefore, you should deal with them when they infest your house.

Now that you know that earwigs are not dangerous to humans, this article will delve deeper to help you understand whether they are poisonous.

Earwigs – Are They Poisonous?

Yes! The larvae of earwigs contain cyanide which is poisonous for human beings. It causes severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, convulsions, coma, and even death.

Adult earwigs also produce some toxic substances like formic acid, phenol, indole, skatoles, etc., which may irritate skin and eyes.

Do Earwigs Pinch?

As a substitute for biting, the pincher bug can pinch a person using its pincers at the ends of its body. A pinch to human skin may be noticeable but not usually painful. 

It’s possible for a pinch from an earwig to break the human skin. Treatment for that event would be similar to any other normal scratch.

Apart from cleaning and dressing the wound, you can also use an antibacterial cream or ointment to prevent any infection that may come from the soil the earwig lives in and crawls in.

earwig in garden

How to Get Rid of Earwigs in Your Home

There are many ways to kill earwigs naturally without harming yourself or others.

Here we discuss a few effective methods to control earwigs.

Use Boric Acid Powder

The boric acid powder is one of the most common household products used to eliminate earwigs from homes. This product works well against all types of earwigs including adults and eggs. 

Just sprinkle borax around where you see the earwigs. You must use enough amount so that there is no chance of getting hurt. After 10 minutes, check again; if you still see the earwigs then repeat the process until you get rid of them completely.

Spray Citrus Oil Around Your House

Citrus oil has been proven to be very useful in eliminating earwigs from houses. All you need to do is spray citrus oil around the area where you found the earwigs. Make sure that you apply the oil at least two times per week. 

If you notice that the number of earwigs increases after spraying the oil, then stop applying the oil immediately. Also, make sure that you clean up the areas thoroughly before starting over.

Sprinkle Salt on Plants and Ground

Sprinkling salt around your garden helps to keep away earwigs. When you buy new plants, place them near the old ones.

In case you already have earwigs, just sprinkle salt around their habitat. Keep sprinkling salt every day till you get rid of them.

Put Garlic Cloves Under Plates Or Bowls

Garlic cloves work great against earwigs. Place garlic cloves under plates or bowls where you usually eat food.

Then cover those places with aluminum foil. Do this regularly and you’ll never face problems caused by earwigs anymore.

Apply Vinegar Solution

Vinegar solution kills earwigs effectively. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and pour into containers.

Leave it overnight and the next morning empty the container.

Buy Earwig Traps
get rid of earwigs

If you want to trap earwigs, then you can purchase traps online. Earwig traps come in different shapes and sizes.

Some of the popular designs include plastic cups, glass jars, and metal boxes. 

Once you find an appropriate design, fill it with soil and plant seeds inside. Planting seeds will attract more earwigs and they will eventually die when trapped inside the box.

Clean Up Surroundings Regularly

If you don’t know how to remove earwigs from your house, then cleaning up surroundings regularly might help. Remove any debris on floors, walls, ceilings, windowsills, doors, etc. 

Sweep the floor daily and vacuum frequently. Wash dishes properly and wipe down surfaces often. Don’t forget to wash your clothes as soon as possible.

Get Rid of Food Sources

Earwigs like sweet foods such as sugar, honey, bread, cake, cookies, candy, soda pop, ice cream, etc. So, try not to leave anything for them to feed upon.

Store sweets in airtight containers and avoid leaving them outside during the summer months.

Avoid Using Pesticides

Pesticide sprays may harm other animals and people too.

They also have severe negative effects on the surroundings.  Therefore, always choose non-pesticide solutions whenever possible.

Use Natural Solutions Instead

Natural remedies are effective ways to control pests without harming others. For example, citronella candles repel insects while peppermint essential oils kill ants.

Try using these natural methods instead of chemical pesticides.

How to Prevent an Earwig Infestation

Keeping the house and the surrounding area dry and sealed is the most effective way to prevent an infestation.

Other methods include:

Cover Your House With Plastic Film

The plastic film works well if you live in hot climates because it keeps heat in and cold out. It’s best used outdoors but you can use it indoors too.

Just cut off pieces of the film according to the size of your home. You should put one piece of the film along each window sill and door frame. The rest of the film needs to go all around the perimeter of the room.

Seal Cracks And Leaks in Walls

Crack and leaky pipes cause moisture buildup which attracts mosquitoes and cockroaches.

To keep bugs away, seal cracks and leaks in walls.

Keep Windows Closed During Summer Months

When windows are left open during warm weather, they allow rainwater to enter through gaps between panes.

This makes the place wet and humid.

Close Doors and Curtains When Not in Use

When you’re not at home, close doors and curtains so that no light gets in or out.

Put Away Pets’ Toys

Pet toys left lying about make perfect homes for rodents.

Check Plants Often

Check plants every day to see whether there are signs of pest damage.

Spray Insecticide On Stems Only

Spray insecticides only on stems and leaves. Never spray directly onto flowers. 


Earwigs aren’t just a nuisance; some species carry diseases that could be harmful to humans. If you have pets, then take extra care to protect their health by keeping them safe from fleas, ticks, lice, mites, bedbugs, and mosquitoes.

Also, clean up areas where pet waste accumulates regularly.

Finally, maintain a healthy indoor environment by sealing cracks and holes in walls, closing windows, and spraying insecticides only on stems.